Tuesday, 30 November 2010

'under dog look at the mess you've made'

hey people,
so life.yeah that thing called living. does it always have to be so hard? really? because after climbing 1 mountain there seems to be another one to climb. and at the top the views great but coming back down you realise you will never have that same view again. i've always fought for everything i've wanted. but now im tired, i have fought for to long i just want a little time out peace and above all a little time to find clarity in my life, but there's no rest for the wicked right ? when i look in the mirror i see nothing special just a person. a person who spends time drowning in the past and fighting to come up for air but just gets dragged back under by the current.but i will keep fighting to get the surface. why? because thats all i know what to do. the only person you can count on is yourself ... but even you can can let yourself drown a little.

so here's to fighting! no matter how much you want to give up .
after all its in my blood.
ah i really need to start my course work.
i haved made a big mess but i will bloody fix it.


Wednesday, 17 November 2010

' I'm just like cellophane , 'cause she sees right through me '

Hey people !
Wow its been a while :| and I dont have anything to say, that's a first hey ?!
I'm a little depressed because of this stupid shitty weather :| I'm moving to Australia no jokes its always sunny there.
Ah better go help ma clean up
( prince Charles to you ;) )

Thursday, 4 November 2010

' i'ive seen you cry way to many times when you deserved to be alive'

hey people,

hows you ?
i am .... ok, i can't say i'm brilliant but i'm not exactly suicidal either :).

so my mum has had another operation it hurts her more this time, and i think shes slowly giving up. i can understand she's always ill i mean seriously ill . and do you know what i have given up complaining about it for one reason only. my family can. love.
i'd rather have that then perfect health, we have learnt to apreciate what we have and love unconditionally. so yeh dad i know your fed up with all the shit but i wouldnt have our family any other way :.

jinny just sent a loving e-mail to herself lol
oh and i shouted ' i want to loose my virginity tonight' as a dare, my thoughts have only just caught up with my actions lol.
i have so much fun i don't stop laughing <3.
i guess that makes me happier.

must ring cally tonight coz she's peng ;).
ellz fireworks


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

'your love is a lie'

The most unrelated title ever !:) so yeh college tomorrow I sti have to do pretty much all my Chem assignment :(. Im having so much fun at work, the kitchen staff are so fun and Alexis really cool to :) xxx that's all really :) xxx

Friday, 15 October 2010

A Party Song (The Walk Of Shame)

Album: Nothing Personal (2009)

I took a walk for the very first time on the dark side of the dance floor,
Lit a match just to heat things up but I got more than I bargained for;

Mixed drinks, mixed feelings of elation,
I should have known it was a one night invitation.

Don't sweat it, forget it, everything is a-ok.
Just let it, go then its, off to find another face,
I make you come just to watch you leave,
You walk around with my heart on your sleeve.
Don't sweat it, it's over now, our time ran out.

I took an oath, but I'm giving it up, you didn't have to see things my way.
Nothing more than a casual fuck - isn't that just how we operate.

Let's drink to feelings of temptation
You and I, we're an over-night sensation.

Don't sweat it, forget it, everything is a-ok.
Just let it, go then its, off to find another face,
I make you come just to watch you leave,
I walk around with your heart on your sleeve.
Don't sweat it, it's over now, our time ran...

Outside, the brake lights started to dim,
I feel the tension that's been pulling us in.
And then we do it again, so we can feel alright.
Falling in love for the night.

Don't sweat it, forget it, everything is a-ok.
Just let it, go then its, off to find another face,
I make you come just to watch you leave,
You walk around with my heart on your sleeve.
Don't sweat it, it's over now, our time ran out.
Our time ran out,
our time ran out,
our time ran out.
[our time ran out]

'standing on the rooftops, everybody scream your heart out'

hello bloggers,
hows all of you ? good i hope! so update on the life of ginge,
nothing to report well apart from having to ask what buggery is in criminology today it is by the way anal sex if you didn't already know. most. embarrassing. thing. i .have. ever. done. no jokes its only because the college blocked us getting a definition. so not fun! so whats happening with you guys?
please leave a comment of anything embarassing you've had to ask!?


A usually voluntary muscle made up of elongated, multinucleated, transversely striated muscle fibers, having principally bony attachments. Also called striated muscle.

Skeletal muscles move the body; referred to as ambulation.

There are 4 primary functions of skeletal muscle:
1. Movement
2. Posture or muscle tone

3. Support
4. Heat regulation. Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation.
Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue in the vertebrate body. These muscles are attached to and bring about the movement of the various bones of the skeleton, hence the name skeletal muscles. The whole muscle, such as the biceps, is enclosed in a sheath of connective tissue, the epimysium. This sheath folds inwards into the substance of the muscle to surround a large number of smaller bundles, the fasciculi. These fasciculi consist of still smaller bundles of elongated, cylindrical muscle cells, the fibres. Each fibre is a syncytium, i.e. a cell that have many nuclei. The nuclei are oval in shaped and are found at the periphery of the cell, just beneath the thin, elastic membrane (sarcolemma). The sarcoplasm also has many alternating light and dark bands, giving the fibre a striped or striated appearance (hence the name striated muscle). With the aid of an electron microscope it can be seen that each muscle fibre is made up of many smaller units, the myofibrils. Each myofibril consists of small protein filaments, known as actin and myosin filaments. The myosin filaments are slightly thicker and make up the dark band (or A-band). The actin filaments make up the light bands (I-bands) which are situated on either side of the dark band. The actin filaments are attached to the Z-line. This arrangement of actin and myosin filaments is known as a sacromere.

Skeletal muscles function in pairs to bring about the co-ordinated movements of the limbs, trunk, jaws, eyeballs, etc.
Skeletal muscles are directly involved in the breathing process
mooth muscle

The cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory systems are composed mostly of hollow organs (tubular or sacular), which transport and/or store fluids (either liquids or gases) within the body. The walls of these organs contain smooth muscle, a type of tissue which enables them to constrict or dilate, in this way retarding or facilitating fluid movement as required. This is accomplished by the shortening or lengthening of the individual smooth muscle cells, which occurs in a co-ordinated fashion because the cells are electrically coupled by intercellular connections, known as gap junctions. Other structures in the body that contain smooth muscle include the myometrium - the muscular wall of the uterus - which is responsible for the rhythmic contractions of labour; the piloerector muscles, which cause skin hair to stand up; and the irises, which control the diameter of the pupils.


Found within the "walls" of hollow organs and elsewhere like the bladder and abdominal cavity, the uterus, male and female reproductive tracts, the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, the vasculature, the skin and the ciliary muscle and iris of the eye. The glomeruli of the kidneys contain a smooth muscle like cell called the mesangial cell. Smooth muscle is fundamentally different from skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle in terms of structure and function.

stuff for biology coz well i blog more than i read emails !


Smooth muscle thus subserves all internal, involuntary functions, except the movements of breathing and the beating of the heart. Many directly acting chemical agents affect its contraction, but most smooth muscle is also under the control of the autonomic nervous system; in some sites (notably most blood vessels) it is influenced only by the sympathetic component, and at others (for example in the gut and the iris) by dual, and sometimes opposite, effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.

As befits its many functions, smooth muscle at different sites is much more heterogeneous than skeletal or cardiac muscle. By creating diverse structural arrangements of smooth muscle and other associated cells, and at the same time varying the mechanisms that control contraction, evolution has achieved a remarkable diversity of smooth muscle-containing organs, each of which is designed to fill a unique functional niche.

Friday, 8 October 2010

for cally


3pm On my feet and staggering
Through misplaced words and a sinking feeling
I got carried away
Sick, Sick of sleeping on the floor
Another night another score
I'm jaded, bottles breaking

You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor
I remember how you tasted
I've had you so many times- lets face it
Feels like I'm falling in love alone
Stella would you take me home?

2am I'm on a blackout binge again
You know I don't need sleep
And I lost my keys,
But I've got so many friends
And they keep, keep me coming back for more
Another night another score
I'm faded, bottles breaking

[Chorus x1]

One more reason I should never have met you
Just another reason I could never forget you
Down we go, the rooms spinning outta control
Lose yourself in a chemical moment
The night life's taking it's toll
Thats just the way it goes
Come on, Stella would you take me home?

[Chorus x3]

Thursday, 7 October 2010

'just praying to a god that i don't believe in'

hey bloggers,

i'm blogging a lot lately, its just so people know how my lifes going, even though we have alll moved on,i just thought updating you is important-ish. so college is going well. loving it actually. i'm supposed to be doing my assignment but now i'm doing my assignment again. i'm up to a distinction people!!!!!!!!!!!
yeh i know biologys lame to you but i actually love it ! sorry if i offended anyone in my last post <3 this isn't to the person it was about just to make my meaning clear. and sian YOU DIDN'T RING ME YOUNG LADY!!!! but i love ya <3. work tomorrow my first day i'm soooooooooo excited !!! i am actually so lame but thats what makes me awesome i guess.

i have accident investigation in about 15 mins its long apparently the teacher wasn't in yesterday so i might get lucky again. just saw a video of katie's half naked guy mate thats impressive...not, i think his high actullly lol now his arse is out the van window, o-k i love my mates strange friends :. ggotta go to railway soon ellz, coz now i gets money! message for you all : do something you have never done before,today. why not you may not see tomorrow. i want you all to comment telling me what you have done!!


Wednesday, 6 October 2010

"gonna break your little heart in two"

Dear Romeo,

Do you love her ? Huh? You say you do but you don't show it well, nor do you show it to the girl your supposed to love. Your to young, and don't mean in years, your mind is to young. You don't know the meaning of love yet. Sure you can love more than one person at a time but you can't love them in the same way can you. You fall in love to easily. just like Romeo and I didn't think highly of him either. Your a nice kid don't get me wrong but you complain about how much you love her. See the key word word there ? Complain, you complain, who complains about being in love ? I may be skeptic of love but I know for a fact ive never complained about it. I understand don't know what to do about it but seriously sometimes there's nothing you can do. You win some. You loose some. I think you do love her though, I saw it before her. And you know what my best friend is a perfect person she rarely complains, she loves to laugh and she is the most helpful person I've ever met <3 . but I don't trust you with her, you have hurt one of my best friends once what's to say you won't do it again? And this time I wouldn't forgive you . I know she's tough but I don't want her to ever suffer. So try to be worthy of someone that awesome please that's all I ask. Oh and by the way jealousy isn't hot quite frankly it's irratating.

(call me ;) )

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

"life and sex is over rated, so is always getting wasted"

Thank you ,
To everyone Sian, cally, Ellen you guys actually make my life simple and great <3. Miss Katie and miss jinny you rock ! I don't know you guys that well but I think we won't stop laughing for the rest of the year <3.
And mr right I know your out there....somewhere! When I find ya you will probably make my life great !

Ben and Aidan here's to being the best guy mates a girl could have <3
Ross ... I have nothing to say at least I get to live my dream of being a best man ;)

Things to do before I die:
Get married in Los vegas (drunk)
Be a best man at a wedding
Find a baby in my wardrobe and name it Carlos
Go to china :)
Go to India
Travel round Britain in a camper van with cally,Sian and ellen
Road trip around America with cally <3
Live in America
Become a forensic pathologist

Loads of

Monday, 4 October 2010


"my gift my song and this ones for you"

He doesnt see me, I'm just another faceless,nameless girl. And I'm not in his league any way am I? I'm a nerd, a freak a nobody and his a god, a priceless treasure. My heart is a feather of lead. I want him
Maybe there's hope I have that right ?


Wednesday, 29 September 2010

'i wish you well'

Hey blog world,
So yeah out of all my mates I'm the only one who blogs now.
I guess it's because all the people who caused all the problems aren't around anymore lol, to be honest I feel completely whole now, no anger, minimal worry (mums op is something to worry about it's the only thing I worry about) , I feel happy. The whole boyfriend thing don't bother me either although there are LOADS of hot boys at college, in that right miss Katie ;) . And gosh do I laugh alot now seriously all the time now , Katie and jinny are so easy to be around :) all that's missing is Ellen and cally<3 miss you guys so much . TC cally ;) xxx
mums op is on the 1st of november xxxx


Monday, 20 September 2010

' live and let die '

back again world, so yep on thursday its one year since my lovely aunt died :( xxx not something to be excited about. I over heard my mum talking about her op yesterday, and to be honest she thinks shes going to die, or has mouth cancer . I must admit our family is isnt lucky most of us are dying or simply very ill. Maybe it is happening for a reason . It demonstrates the devils presence doesnt it ?! But god seems to have forgotten the human race. My family dont have the worst of it but sometimes we all selfishly think 'why me?' And the answer its not just one person who suffers , we all do, some suffer hunger, others illness, a few suffer loneliness. So while i was on my short path of enlightenment i have discovered greed doesnt cause our suffering and there is no almighty god above, we just simply live to reproduce and die just like science says but there is a reason we believe something is out there. Hope. We hope something is out there so there is a reason we make bad choices. hope that when we die we arent alone. Hope is the only thing we have and every day theres less of it. Love charlie xxx

Friday, 3 September 2010

Lyrics to Therapy :
My ship went down
In a sea of sound
When I woke up alone
I had everything
A hand full of moments
I wished I could change
and a tounge like a nightmare
That cut like a blade
In a city of fools
I was careful and cool
but they tore me apart like a hurricane
A hand full of moments
I wished I could change
but I was carried away

Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling on everything
Therapy you were never a friend to me
and you can keep all your misery

My lungs gave out
as I faced the crowd
I think that keeping this up can be dangerous
I'm flesh and bone
I'm a rolling stone
And the experts say I'm delirious

Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling on everything
Therapy you were never a friend to me
and you can take back your misery

Arrogent boy
love yourself so no one has to
They're better off without you
(They're better off without you)
Arrogent boy
Cause a scene like your supposed to
They'll fall asleep without you
You're lucky if your memory remains

Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything
Therapy you were never a friend to me
You can take back your misery
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything
Therapy you were never a friend to me
and you can choke on your misery

love charlie

Sunday, 29 August 2010

"what's a whore your nothing more "

So back again !
Yeah I know blogging alot again ! I suppose I just want to rememer this. Me. Before I grow up. Slept round ellz yesterday :) fun times ? Yes. The best I don't know how long it will be until we do this sort of thing again. It's upsetting to think about really we're all moving on and changing and ellz. Go for it girl !! Aaron is an awesome dude perfect for you! xxxx

Job hunting starting soon it's nerve racking to think i am growing up that fast , oh well life is just another big adventure !


Saturday, 28 August 2010

"I laugh myself to sleep,it's my lullaby "

We'll that sucks. no matter how much you Plan your life it has a whole other plan doesn't it ? It doesn't bother me though it's just another minor set back right ? but how can I keep my motto of "keep moving forward " if my life decides to stop me.dead. I'm just stuck here in nowhere land.
On to other news I'm hearing alot of bad stuff about you and well it ....worries me to be honest. Have you hit the self destruct button or something ? Drugs ? Really ? I guess you guys don't understand why I hate them so much ? Here's the thing they FUCK up your life I've seen it first hand and it's not fun to see someone you love suffer . Loose a kid because of them, live in their own dirt and worst of all..... Never face their fears use the drugs to get rid of those problems, and yeah it works-for a little while but then those problems eat at you more and more until those drugs are all you want,need infact. and do you what the drugs caused those problems - well most of them.
But that's your problem. Isn't it ? I hope your friends help you through it that's all.

I don't want to be here any more I want to be in Norfolk that's where I belong

Ive finally found the Balance

Thursday, 12 August 2010

tears dont fall they crash around me

well i havent been on here in a while. im going to wales at the end of the week :). i feel great at the moment nothing seems to be missing xxxx

Thursday, 10 June 2010


so my last full day at francis combe academy,
im going to miss everyone even the people i will see because i know it wont be the same, we will make new friends and fall in love with new people. i'm already excited about it. i love you all even those i don't particular like you have made me, me . The crazy ginge that i am !!! and i will stay in touch with most of you !!!! Ben in particular ¬.¬ but its all coolio !!!

imma seeing paramore

love Roxy and Ginge

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

I Can't Stay Away lyrics

This is wrong
I should be gone
Yet here we lay
'Cause I can't stay away

Roses bloom
In your dirty room
I come to play
'Cause I can't stay away
No I can't stay away-ay

I'm conflicted
I inhale now I'm addicted
To this place
To you babe
I can't stay away
Can't stay away
We get up, we go down
Then we go one more round
It's wrong, they say
I can't stay a- I can't stay away
No I can't stay a- I can't stay away

I was numb
For you I come
Night and day
And I can't stay away
No I can't stay away

I'm conflicted
I inhale now I'm addicted
To this place
To you babe
I can't stay away
Can't stay away
We get up, we go down
Then we go one more round
It's wrong, they say
I can't stay a- I can't stay away
No I can't stay a- I can't stay away

I wish I could
Leave and never return
Baby, I know I should
But for you I'd burn

Stay away
'Cause I can't stay away-ay

I'm conflicted
I inhale now I'm addicted
To this place
To you babe
I can't stay away
Can't stay away
We get up, we go down
Then we go one more round
It's wrong, they say
I can't stay a- I can't stay away
No I can't stay a- I can't stay away

I can't stay away
I can't stay away
I can't stay away
I can't stay away

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Friday, 7 May 2010

think things over

so i am changing things. i need to do it for me no-one els. i have to start thinking of me for once.
yes your one of my best friends but sometimes i think you don't want to be our friend that your always looking for something 'better' and we aren't that are we ?

so yeah i am changing things but its because all of a sudden my eyes are wide open i see people for what they really are. not the mask they hide behind. so i willhope for something better.

and for love

loads of
and care

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Pink Glitter In The Air Lyrics

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care?

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning, the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee, calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight
I Belong To You / Mon Cœur S'ouvre à Ta Voix"


When these pillars get pulled down
It will be you who wears the crown
And I'll owe everything to you

Woooo, woooo

How much pain has cracked your soul?
How much love would make you whole?
You're my guiding lightning strike

I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
I've traveled half the world to say
I belong to you

Woooo, woooo

Then she attacks me like a Leo
When my heart is split like Rio
But I assure you my debts are real

I can't find the words to say
When I'm confused
I traveled half the world to say
You are my mu...

Oooo, woooo

Ahhh! Réponds, réponds à ma tendresse
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Ahhh! Verse-moi l'ivresse
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Réponds à ma tendresse
Ahhh! Verse-moi l'ivresse

I belong
I belong to you alone

Woooo, woooo

I can't find the words to say
They're overdue
I've traveled half the world to say
I belong to you

Woooo, woooo
"Supermassive Black Hole"

Oh baby dont you know I suffer?
Oh baby can you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?

You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'

I thought I was a fool for no-one
Oh baby I'm a fool for you
You're the queen of the superficial
And how long before you tell the truth

You set my soul alight
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the 'supermassive'

Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole

Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alight)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole

'meet me on the equinox'

Meet me on the Equinox
Meet me halfway
The sun is perched at its highest peak
In the middle of the day

Let me give my love to you
Let me take your hand
As we walk in the dimming light
Oh, darling understand

That everything, everything ends
That everything, everything ends

Meet me on your best behavior
Meet me at your worst
For there will be no stone unturned
Or bubble left to burst

Let me lay beside you, darling
Let me be your man
And let our bodies intertwine
But always understand

That everything, everything ends
That everything, everything ends
That everything, everything, everything ends

A window
An opened tomb
The sun crawls across your bedroom
A halo
A waning moon
Your last breaths moving through you

As everything, everything ends
As everything, everything ends
As everything, everything, everything,
everything, everything, everything ends

Meet me on the Equinox
Meet me halfway
When the sun is perched at its highest peak
In the middle of the day

Let me give my love to you
Let me take your hand
As we walk in the dimming light
Oh, darling understand

That everything, everything ends

'nobody puts baby in the corner

Drink down that Gin and Kerosene,
And come spit on bridges with me,
Just to keep us warm.
Light a match to leave me be.
Light a match to leave me be.

I keep my jealousy close,
'Cause it's all mine.
And if you say this makes you happy,
Then I'm not the only one lying.

[Chorus: x2]
Keep quiet,
Nothing comes as easy as you.
Can I lay in your bed all day?
I'll be your best kept secret
And your biggest mistake.
The hand behind this pen relives a failure every day.

I keep my jealousy close,
'Cause it's all mine.
And if you say this makes you happy,
Then I'm not the only one lying.

Drink down that Gin and Kerosene,
And come spit on bridges with me,
Just to keep us warm (Just to keep us warm)
Light a match to leave me be.
Light a match to leave me...

[Chorus x2]

So wear me like a locket around your throat.
I'll weigh you down.
I'll watch you choke.
You look so good in blue.
You look so good in blue.
[During 3rd repeat:]
(Keep quiet,
Nothing comes as easy as you.
Can I lay in your bed all day?)

[Chorus x3]


I've hoped for change,
and it gets better everyday
I've hoped for change,
but still I feel the same

There's something wrong,
cause everybody knows
That we can do this on our own

And we've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
We've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

We're doing fine
And it gets better everytime
We're doing fine
But I'll let you decide

There's something wrong,
cause everybody knows
That we can do this on our own

And we've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
We've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

And I'll confess
That I can be a little selfish
Yeah I'll admit
I don't want you to help me through this
I don't want to start over again

And we've got everybody singing
And we've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
And we've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

And I'll confess
That I can be a little selfish, I can, I can
Yeah I'll admit
I don't want you to get me through this
I don't want to start over again

thats what you get

No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore.
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score.
And why do we like to hurt so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities, well I was wrong

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating.
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here.
'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here.
I still try, holding onto silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard.

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

Pain make your way to me, to me.
And I'll always be just so inviting.
If I ever start to think straight,
This heart will start a riot in me,
Let's start, start, hey!

Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh why do we like to hurt so much?

That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa!
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.
Now I can't trust myself with anything but this,
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.

its easy to talk to you about underwear because your a girl, its easier because you like girls too. (FAMOUS QUOTE FROM SIAN ABOUT ELLEN.)

hmmmmmmmm.....cockland again ? seriously? i mean come on how many times?
so you broke up with your boyfriend and?
girls have that everyday it doesn't mean they sell themselves to the highest fucking bidder!!!
his repulsive no offence. maybe just maybe if you didn't flirt with a guy whilst going out with someone else you wouldnt be single right now !!!

i don't think your ex is flirting with others just being happy ! i think at the moment you like to hurt just like the song 'thats what you get' .
don't try to get me to like you again i can't it makes me depressed.
i don't need you in my life anymore.

love Roxy and Charlotte

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


confo's in form with hannah claire and danny. claire' i dreamt about pulling my teeth out before' danny'i have had a dream about being chased by politicians'

people have weird dreams and confo's

love charlotte

Monday, 26 April 2010

for mr reeeves

So what am I not supposed to have an opinion
Should I be quiet just because I'm a woman
Call me a bitch cos I speak what's on my mind
Guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled

When a female fires back
Suddenly the target don't know how to act
So he does what any little boy will do
Making up a few false rumors or two

That for sure is not a man to me
Slanderin' names for popularity
It's sad you only get your fame through controversy
But now it's time for me to come and give you more to say

This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
So what do we do girls?
Shout louder!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave them proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down

Nobody can hold us down
Nobody can hold us down
Nobody can hold us down
Never can, never will

So what am I not supposed to say what I'm saying
Are you offended by the message I'm bringing
Call me whatever cos your words don't mean a thing
Guess you ain't even a man enough to handle what I say

If you look back in history
It's a common double standard of society
The guy gets all the glory the more he can score
While the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore

I don't understand why it's okay
The guy can get away with it & the girl gets named
All my ladies come together and make a change
Start a new beginning for us everybody sing

This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
What do we do girls?
Shout louder!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down

[Lil' Kim:]
Check it - Here's something I just can't understand
If the guy have three girls then he's the man
He can either give us some head, sex her off
If the girl do the same, then she's a whore
But the table's about to turn
I'll bet my fame on it
Cats take my ideas and put their name on it
It's aiight though, you can't hold me down
I got to keep on movin'
To all my girls with a man who be tryin to mack
Do it right back to him and let that be that
You need to let him know that his game is whack
And Lil' Kim and Christina Aguilera got your back

But you're just a little boy
Think you're so cute, so coy
You must talk so big
To make up for small lil' things
So you're just a little boy
All you'll do is annoy
You must talk so big
To make up for small lil' things

This is for my girls...
This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
So what do we do girls?
Shout louder!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down

This is for my girls all around the world
Who've come across a man who don't respect your worth
Thinking all women should be seen, not heard
So what do we do girls?
Shout louder!
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
Lift your hands high and wave 'em proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud
Never can, never will, can't hold us down
Spread the word, can't hold us down

trying so hard

well.that.failed. i tried to control my temper but when cock blocks decide to pick a conversation on a subject i am passionate about !! well i lose my hold. forget who i am. and just let the venom spill out !! who says that. who says i quote ' i'm not being sexist if i hit a woman!' er... yer in fairness your not but also in fairness your a far worse person for hurting someone else. did HE think before he said that at all?? or did he just say what he actually is; a man who likes to take 'control' by beating the personality out of someone; taking away their soul? making them just a shell ??? do people ever think before they act.

yes i am a ginger bitch but at least i give a damn about others,

loads of hate

Thursday, 22 April 2010

sian my last post wasnt about you

love Roxy/charlotte


sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you .

you.. Don't. care. Do you ? I mean you think of you only . You blank us and expect us to crawl to you and beg you to stay friends. We won't. I give up on people like YOU! there is no point

Love Roxy

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Well imagine,
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
And I can't help but to hear,
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:
"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter.
"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."

I'd chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of...

Well in fact,
Well I'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast
So pour the champagne
Oh! Well in fact,
Well I'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast,
So pour the champagne, pour the champagne

I'd chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.

I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
"never let this go"
Maybe if my heart stops beating
it wont hurt this much
and never will I have to
answer again to anyone

please don't get me wrong
because I’ll never let this go
but I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
but now I feel like I don't know you oh

one day you'll get sick of
saying that everything’s alright
and by then I’m sure ill be
pretending just like I am tonight

please don't get me wrong
because I’ll never let this go
but I can't find the words to tell you
I don't want to be alone
but now I feel like I don't know you oh

let this go
let this go

ill never let this go
but I cant find the words to tell you
I don’t want to be alone
but now I feel like I don’t know you

and I’ll never let this go
but I can't find the words to tell you
that now I feel like I don't know you
"I Can't Stay Away"

This is wrong
I should be gone
Yet here we lay
'Cause I can't stay away

Roses bloom
In your dirty room
I come to play
'Cause I can't stay away
No I can't stay away-ay

I'm conflicted
I inhale now I'm addicted
To this place
To you babe
I can't stay away
Can't stay away
We get up, we go down
Then we go one more round
It's wrong, they say
I can't stay a- I can't stay away
No I can't stay a- I can't stay away

I was numb
For you I come
Night and day
And I can't stay away
No I can't stay away

I'm conflicted
I inhale now I'm addicted
To this place
To you babe
I can't stay away
Can't stay away
We get up, we go down
Then we go one more round
It's wrong, they say
I can't stay a- I can't stay away
No I can't stay a- I can't stay away

I wish I could
Leave and never return
Baby, I know I should
But for you I'd burn

Stay away
'Cause I can't stay away-ay

I'm conflicted
I inhale now I'm addicted
To this place
To you babe
I can't stay away
Can't stay away
We get up, we go down
Then we go one more round
It's wrong, they say
I can't stay a- I can't stay away
No I can't stay a- I can't stay away

I can't stay away
I can't stay away
I can't stay away
I can't stay away
"Someone Wake Me Up"

We got the same friends
We're gonna have to see each other eventually
So won't you tell me how we're gonna deal with that
(how we're gonna deal with that, how we're gonna deal with that)
My CD's are at your place
And you know I'm gonna have to pick 'em up
So won't you tell me how we're gonna deal with that
(how we're gonna deal with that, how we're gonna deal with that)

Even though it was mutual, it still kills inside
'Cause for so long, how I've been defined

It feels just like I'm going crazy
I guess that this is breaking up
And now not even you can save me
Will someone wake me up?
(Someone wake me up)
Never thought that we'd go under
I guess we won't be making up
And if this is a dream I wonder,
Could someone wake me up?
(Someone wake me up)

I still have your old shirt
You know the one I said I'd thrown away?
I put it on when I went to bed last night
(I went to bed last night, I went to bed last night)
Baby, is this where our story ends
When I turn out the light
Fantasy and reality fight

It feels just like I'm going crazy
I guess that this is breaking up
And now not even you can save me
Will someone wake me up?
(Someone wake me up)
Never thought that we'd go under
I guess we won't be making up
And if this is a dream I wonder,
Could someone wake me up?
(Someone wake me up)

Someone wake me up

Even though it's over now, it still kills inside
'Cause for so long you have been my life

(Someone wake me up, someone wake me up)

It feels just like I'm going crazy
I guess that this is breaking up
And now not even you can save me
Will someone wake me up?
(Someone wake me up)
Never thought that we'd go under
I guess we won't be making up
And if this is a dream I wonder,
Could someone wake me up?
(Someone wake me up)

oh, baby you were my first time
I will always keep you inside

(Someone wake me up, someone wake me up)
Someone wake me up
(Someone wake me up, someone wake me up)
Someone wake me up
"Revenge Is Sweeter (Than You Ever Were)"

I saw it in the news
You told me they were wrong
And I stood up for you
'Cause I believed you were the one

You had all the chances in the world
To let me know the truth
What the hell's wrong with you?

Are you even listening when I talk to you?
Do you even care what I'm going through?
Your eyes stare and they're staring right through me
You're right there but it's like you never knew me

Do you even know how much it hurt,
That you gave up on me to be with her?
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

I'm so mad at you right now
I can't even find the words
And you're on the way down
I can't wait to see you burn
You try to make me hate that girl
When I should be hating you
What the hell's wrong with you?

Are you even listening when I talk to you?
Do you even care what I'm going through?
Your eyes stare and they're staring right through me
You're right there but it's like you never knew me

Do you even know how much it hurt,
That you gave up on me to be with her?
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were
(than you ever were)
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

Nothing can save you now that it's over
I guess that you'll find out when you're no one
Don't say you're sorry now 'cause I just don't care

Nothing can save you now, nothing
Nothing can save you now, nothing

Are you even listening when I talk to you?
Do you even care what I'm going through?
You're eyes stare and they're staring right through me
You're right there but it's like you never knew me

Do you even know how much it hurt,
That you gave up on me to be with her?
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were
(than you ever were)
Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

Sunday, 18 April 2010


Well I've got a fever
A non-believer
I'm in a state of grace
For I am the caesar
I'm gonna seize the day
Well call of the banshee (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
As God as my witness the infidels are gonna pay

Well call the assassin
The orgasm
A spasm of love and hate
For what will divide us?
The righteous and the meek
Well call of the wild (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death to the gira
At the end of the serenade

Vendetta sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite

I am a killjoy from Detroit
I drink from a well of rage
I feed of the weakness
With all my love
Call up the captian (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death of the lover that you were dreaming of

This is a stand off a molotov
cocktail on the house
You thought I was write off you better think again
Call the peacemaker (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I'm gonna sent you back to the place where it all began

Vendetta sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite

Well now the caretakers
The undertaker
Now I'm gonna go out
And get the peacemaker
This is the neo
St. Valentine's massacre
Well call up the Gaza (Hey, hey)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the ...
"Restless Heart Syndrome"

I've got a really bad disease
It's got me begging on my hands and knees
So, take me to emergency
Cause something seems to be missing
Somebody take the pain away
It's like an ulcer bleeding in my brain
So send me to the pharmacy so I can lose my memory

I'm elated, medicated
Lord knows I tried to find a way to run away

I think they found another cure
For broken hearts and feeling insecure
You'd be surprised what I endure
What makes you feel so self-assured

I need to find a place to hide
You never know what could be waiting outside
The accidents that you could find
It's like some kind of suicide

So what kills you, is what impales you
I feel like I've been crucified to be satisfied

I'm a victim of my symptom
I am my own worst enemy
You're a victim of your symptom
You are your own worst enemy
Know your enemy

I'm elated, medicated
I am my own worst enemy
So what ails you is what impales you
You are your own worst enemy
You're a victim of the system

love Roxy

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

please don't stop the rain

so humlan utopia is pointless they wont change for no-one. it is totally not worht the money !
chesca i don't want your hair touching mine either i might become a chav over night and you really do need to grow up.

love roxy......and charlotte

Friday, 26 March 2010

feeling empty again

well i do. its strange isn't it how you can feel empty? just feeling nothing strange isn't it.

love Roxy

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


where does everybody go when they go?
they go so fast i don't think they know
we hate so fast and we love to slow

london i think we've got a problem

feeling sorry

so yeah how to say this .... i'm gay- nah joking !!!! bear you seemed to have noticed that ... well i'm not me to be honest i'm not. i can't stop worrying about aydin i haven't seen him in a while i didn't even get to wish him a happy brithday. sometimes my selfishness gets me down( you guys may think i'm not but i see it all the time)because well i hate being selfish but i can't see that 'thing' he and i have for a mother i just can't! i guess i feel sorry for me really not him which is worse.

i am happy for you and barbra ;)xxx you both seem so happy it makes me realise a little bit of what i am missing.


Wednesday, 17 March 2010

coolio pops

in science doing coursework with the teacher going moan moan moan !! and his a guy :D ! byes his gay.


It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

wows !!

that was eye opening! on both parts,
honey he loves you i think !!!!!!!!! and you are amazing even when i 'hate' you !!!! so keeep smiling !!! <3

and mr sunny jim you need to find peace of mind cause wolllowing in the dirt isn't going to help!! smile and yor friends will smile back. you aren't their hope your their luke.thats it of course they need you but you need them to.


Monday, 15 March 2010


you are seriously ill. what if she does need them huh ellen ? like you do and dont say you dont because you bloody do. and maybe if you didnt come off them because you think your better rather then what a professional says maybe then you wouldn't need them . did you think that through ? no you didn't. and.yes .i .undersand.depression. i have an aunt with it so don't use that fucking excuse !!!!!!!x

oh and if you cause a promblem i will not care. understood.

loads of love roxy
p.s. danger is close
run your fingers through my soul. for once, just once,feel exactly what i feel, believe what i believe,precieve as i precieve, look, experience,examine,and for once; just once , understand.

trying to make someone fall in love with you is just about as pointless as trying to control who you fall in love with

at the moment

perhaphs our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clear view again


Wednesday, 10 March 2010


honey but here's the truth
we are teenagers no-ones perfectly mature. we are aging . you shouldn't treat your friends the way you do because you have lost quite a few but tali and bear stick with you;have always stuck by you no matter what !! and your right we have an eternity to sleep but being alive making mistakes so you grow up to.


Tuesday, 9 March 2010

butterfly boy , a polish cowboy and catapillar boy

is butterfly boy his actual name ?
yes cally coz his mother totally named him that when he was born.

patryk will be a cow boy who sings cotton eyed joe

lolz with patryk and cally

sir are you average -'cause i'm extra large ;)


once i was a selfish fool

i. am. scared. i love you honey but seeing people and stuffs is some freaky shit.
we are all worried and scared how can we help ? sit with you and talk about it? talk to you when you feel lonely? i really honestly don't know!!!

oh and to the Peoples - you problems aren't there all you need in life are two things:
you dont talk through your problems you just write about it. TELL EACHOTHER !! thats what your suposed to do with your friends not decide to runaway, avoid it ,it doesnt work believe me i have tried . you. are. friends. point blank.

any hoo sees you later

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

oh happy days

happy birthday ellen

i knew this would happen not that i care anymore because i am leaving soon but you cease to amaze me !!
and i have peace of mind now so i am over everything just over it !!!!


Monday, 1 March 2010

life is a rollercoaster-i hate roller coasters

so my rib is fine nothing much wrong really !!!

i am so calm and colected at the moment life could through ALMOST anything at me.
ever since lyd died i haven't been seriously happy because it made me realise how little time we have here-on earth. i was being cautious even breathing with caution; then something clicked when i was reading a book. you never know whats going to happen but you should savour the moments that are good and treasure the ones that are bad because you learn from those bad moments alot!

i do hate life but i am starting to like it more everyday


Thursday, 25 February 2010

oh misery tell me why does my heart make a fool of me ?

hey world,

so tres nervous about doctor,
i have a rib that sticks out

gotta go byes

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies

hey world,

i have gone back to my youth !! i am listening to busted! ok am only 166 but it counts! i miss this music man it was rockin' currently listening to whos david !!!! its coolio !! i also asked miss Jakeman to play crashed the wedding at my wedding; if i ever get married!!!

i honestly considered it yesterday i need help !!!!!!!!!! 5 lil pills thats all it will take ...

life at home suck i dont really feel loved there anymore but oh wells i officially have stopped caring now !!

peace out

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

i've gone to long living like i'm not alive

hey world,

thanks honey you have helped- supprisingly- i actually have got over it.
i still feel lonely !!! but for different reasons (being single)

oh message for mr hope- stop looking for love and it will come and find you chook !! and smile it doesnt hurt !!! it hurts not to!

so home isnt that fun at the mo; i keep getting moaned at constantly but i am finally happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh McCock GO GROW A PAIR YOU FUCKING DICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and NOBODY likes you; you arrogant a-hole quote here' you must talk so big to make up for smaller things';) xxx oh i dont get scared that easily either !!! :D

peace out

Sunday, 21 February 2010

life gets harder day by day

hey blogger people
hows you ?
my life is normal nothing major happening,
i want excitment !
i want pleasure !
i want pain .... actually i dont but i works with verything else i said right?
but pain does give yu something other then boredom right!!

peace out

Monday, 8 February 2010

my generation is zero

hey world,

er honey i could be happier ! but dont worry you can hurt people, but they cant say no can they? because your life is so hard but don't worry HALF OF YOUR FAMILY ANREN'T DYING but we all get on with it ; but you cant you have to have control you cant loose can you ? but one day you will! and you will have no control because guess what bub LIFE IS SHIT ! but everyone else doesnt over dramatise it we dont expect to get YES everytime so go grow up ! but don't worry your life is tough!

and i am not an attention seeking bitch either :)

you want a fight you got one

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

'i once was lost but never found'

i want to feel again....
but i can't; i've stopped-i don't care anymore.
i cant feel.
i want to love someone or something!
life just gets harder.
i have become numb.
my mum needs another operation!
why is it always MY family huh? what did they ever do to you God?
or is it the devils fault ?
have my family sinned ?
is this their punishment for being alive.
so many people in my family are ill or dying. why take them and not the evil murders ?
oh what do any of you care huh your lives are just as unbearable!
screw this!
peace wll never happen so
fuck you one and all

Monday, 1 February 2010

cally :D

not that i wanted to do that! callys sex is on fire :D x in maths and i am courpting cally, making her sin !xx

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

hey world ,
yer so why do people do it?
why dothey hurt us ?
without a reason ?
whats wrong withthis world; those 2 boys who beat upthat little boy because they simply 'had nothing to do' and only stopped throwing the sinnk at him because their 'arms hurt' what sick bastards raised them to do that huh ? their just as sick for doing it and THEY only got five yrs WHAT THE FUCK!
I MEAN HELLO if someone did that to my brother i would kill the little fuckers and not care less . the less of those people the better.

chavs are just as bad getting allarse holih coz they can

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

You took my shinning star

to my girls- you know who you are :D

hmmmmmmmm how to start ..... you guys know of course know my mother doesnt love me fullstop. my mothers treatment of me is known as neglect a type of abuse (not that it felt like that)
i cant remember much of my child hood very little infact its hard to explain but just imagine a large black hole thats my memories of jennie . i remember bits though i will tell you about them

first and most rememebered memory:
i was 3 i think. Jennie had slapped me fairly hard on my right cheek i was petrified i was hiding in the corner of the kitchen by the cupboard. crying alot. Jennie came shuffling in, sobbing, she was begging me to forgive of course i did but now as i look it reminds me of what a woman beater does when he hits his wife he begs and pleads with her for forgivness but the monster inside is waiting to stir again ....

jennie had a fair few boyfriends married and not, one i remember the most is Alan er he looks like nashon and dan murithi mixed. i met at a club with my ;i didnt like him straight away, he tried with me dont get me wrong. but kids just notice bad people straight away out of instict. after that i never saw him.

7 years old now, i went home after seeing my dad for the weekend. i walked up
up the path to flats as normal and pressed the buzzer once...twice...three times .... i guess you know she wasnt in but it hurt alot it was the first time i realised i wasnt loved- by her at least.
i was also locked in the cupboard but i dont remember that.

aydin was born just after i turned 8 he weighed 6 pounds 14oz precisely. i was a mother the first time i held him i definately loved him ore then jennie any way i still do it hurts every time i think of him and i worry alot about him.

it cut deep when i left him behind because i promised i wouldn't i hate breaking promises
anyhoo thats it
peace out

Monday, 25 January 2010

i stole it back !!!

yes the missing duck; i took back ruth coz - er well its MINE !

so depressed people are every where why !? you were given life to to - live i guess ! we all have our problems i do i hate myself beyond any thing i cant explain why though but i have made mistakes thats all leaving people i love behind not caring when i should but thats just me i have accepted it now even the bits i hate but we can change and move forward i used to be selfless now i'm selfish anyhoo
peace out

misery business

hye guess whos back charlie's back tell a friend!
yer so in ict bored quite a bit!
i feel soo erm well not alive ok i'm going peoples read while i write
peace out

let the flames begin

hey world of bloggers,
hows you?
i am diabetes free !!!!!!!!!! i knew that anyways ! so yesterday i went to a deserted grave yard it freaked me ut i could feel someone watching me, i still can at times-mostly in my room !!! weird! so i finally found out what was wrong with 'cough cough' and just to say if he was a woman well lets just pain would be the only remedy! so beef world beef !!! er so life is coolio my dad is still drinking loads i know it hurts ya know coz affects us all; life is precious never forget that ! even murderers deserve one i guess xx
i feel depressed about life actually i
wanna know
why we are here?whats my purpose?and
i keep
coming up blank i have no reason i just live and thats it ! i used to think it was
for love
now i'm not sure maybe its to love life i guess i will find out hey ?

peace out love you all
p.s. the title is totally unrelated

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

hey my patients

i am now offically a penis checker outta ! Yer weird but men dont have gynercolgist?

so my patients dont forget to touch look check ! Or i will do it ?! Xx
Peace out xxx

Friday, 15 January 2010


i had my blood test today i have silch chance of having diabetes but i have come to the conculsion that nurses are vampires lol jokes ! i watched the second time and my blood is really dark apparently thats good?
anyhoo i havent been up to much lately so er blog soon
peace out

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


well i havent be on here in ages !
not that anyone cares lol
so me and wife argued againb today serial cheater she is !
but we made up
me and claire are tres good at acting married and arguing !
i love my life !
i keep forgeting that i am having a blood test on friday but then someone reminds me i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo worried i dont think i could handle having diabetes !!!!!!!!!!!!!
so on face book an old pic of my yr 6 class was posted on it and they wanna meet up with everyone ? i am not included in this i guess i wasnt liked by most of my class so ya know i kinda dont wanna go they will just take the piss ! its fine i wont be allowed any way but i have to you know remember the shit
any hoo
peace out